Here's the thing. I live in Australia. I am an Australian. I'm also British and I want to live in Britain again some day. So I have a vested interest in the government of both countries. In Australia, I am forced to vote, with the threat of a fine should I abstain, although truth be told, I know people who have missed many elections and I have yet to see any of them be prosecuted.
Britain, on the other hand, is a different story. I keep missing general elections. Last time I tried to register to vote by post only to realise I hadn't given myself enough time. I vowed that it wouldn't happen again. This time, I figured I'd register to vote by proxy and get my Dad to do it. I have no idea who I would vote for but I am a bit excited by the fact that the Lib Dems are in the running as they have usually got my vote in the past. Except for 1997 when I jumped on the New Labour bandwagon and voted Blair in and then stayed up all night to watch the results come in. Students. Pah!
So, when did Gordon Brown announce the general election? April 6th. When did I find out about it? This weekend. Almost 12 days hence. I think I kind of gathered that there was something of that ilk going on but to be honest they've talked about the possibility of an election for months. Make that years. And then there's all the other crap that's been going on, such as getting over a cold only to be knocked down by a stomach bug. And I'm super busy with everything going on in my life and haven't been keeping a very close eye on the news. So it was only this weekend that I actually looked up when the election was. May 6th. Ooohh... close.
Today I went online to register to vote by proxy. I would have done it sooner only the website didn't work on the iPhone so I had to wait until I had a moment on the computer. Do you know when you have to have your registrations in by? 20th April! That's tomorrow!! That's only 2 weeks after Mr Brown made the announcement. With the international postal service the way it is you have to be darn quick to make that deadline. And there is no other way to register. So, I can't vote.
I suppose I should just fill the forms in anyway in advance of the next election. I'm assuming that I will only have to go through this rigmarole once and not every election. But I can't actually be bothered to read the forms and find out. There's no incentive now that I know I can't vote. Oh well.... live and learn.
Update: Seems I'm not the only one having trouble registering to vote. And this likely lot are living in the UK too so they have even less of an excuse for not getting their act together. As an added bonus, my first name is mentioned in this article. It's always nice seeing one's name in print. Even if it isn't technically my name, it's the name belonging to the borough of East Lindsey. There you go, there it is again. Lovely. It doesn't happen very often for me. Usually it's misspelt. Lindsay or something. Unless you're looking at a website about Fleetwood Mac. Then you might get my first name and a little bit of my surname, Lindsey Buck, thanks to Lindsey Buckingham. Oooh... I almost feel another google me coming on.
A Month of Reflection
2 months ago
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