Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Dad's-eye view: Weddings

Conversation with my dad regarding my cousin's recent wedding:

ME: And what was Wendy [the bride] wearing?

DAD: A white dress.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cool slideshow feature: Tasmania

I have just discovered a cool feature of Google Photos (Picasa) and that is the ability to create slideshows of your albums to embed in a web page or blog post. This differs from the permanent slideshow that I have in my toolbar to the right as I can only display one album at a time here, it's small and you can't view captions. With the Google Photos Slideshow I can choose the size and create a new slideshow every time I post a new album. You can view captions by clicking on the speech bubble. (If you can't see speech bubble and other controls just hover your mouse over the slideshow.)

Of course you can always go and run the full size slideshow yourself by clicking on the 'My photo gallery' link to the right but a cool new toy is a cool new toy and it just begs to be played with. So here is the first of what could be many embedded albums: Honeymoon in Tasmania.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Me, the discerning bride

Yes, more wedding stuff for your delectation. Many of you will remember my tendancy to drag my birthdays out for as long as possible and now I'm doing the same with our wedding. I don't do it with birthdays any more though; I'm too old for that now.

This time it's The Discerning Bride magazine feature that came out a few months ago. I have finally got around to scanning it and getting it online (after scanning it as PDF and emailing it around, photocopying it and sticking in the post to my grandparents, and handing it around to everyone who'd bother to look at it).

In further exciting wedding news (I am obsessed; I have no life) we are now in possession of over 1000 professional digital images of our wedding and in a few weeks we should have our wedding album. I will probably struggle to show this to most of you but I do have digital images of the layout so I may well post that at some point too.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Big Freeze

So you think you're frozen back in the Old Dart* what with your snow and that? That's nothing! Check out this cool clip where 200 people froze themselves in time at exactly the same moment for five minutes in New York's Grand Central Station.

For more information see

* The Old Dart: An Aussie reference to Britain (I'd never heard of it either), the origin of which is a corruption of "dirt", as in the old dirt, meaning the old country.


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

To the moon and back

Wow! What a trip! I LOVE TASMANIA!!! We had a fantastic time and it's a beautiful place. I recommend it to anyone, particularly those people who live in Australia and have little excuse for not having been, but also to those who may be planning a trip Ozwards and may not have considered including Tassie in their itinerary.

I have uploaded our photographs to Picasa and I'm in the process of adding comments to each one. I may summarise them in a post some day but to expedite getting it out there I will leave it at that for now, rather than giving you a lengthy travel journal straight up. I will be continuing to add comments and probably a few more maps, especially for those of you who may be thinking of going and are keen on doing some walking whilst there.

There is so much that we didn't get to see or do, surprising considering the size of the place. I can't understand how people can "do" the whole place in three or four weeks; they really wouldn't be doing it justice. We stayed on the Tasman Peninsular for seven days and that was nowhere near enough just for that one little section. It's definitely on our list of places for a second visit.

Thank you so much to all of the friends who helped make this trip possible. Thanks to Lucie, Scott, James, Melissa, Jillian, Jimbo, Mark, Mindi, Guy, Libbette, Jon, Megan, Pete and Daneale.