Thursday, December 13, 2007

Summer bloody summer

The gist is back as I discuss summer and its various merits and downfalls, plus, of course, an update on my lovable pussies. Once more, I am enduring the season of mosquito bites and sleepless nights as I get used to another hot Aussie summer.... read on for a classic Buckle update, the likes of which you haven't seen for a while.

Ah summer! That glorious time of year when the pool covers come off, the bbq heats up and Queenslanders sit back and take life easy; when the humidity and mercury rise to almost unbearable heights, the sun beats down when it isn't obscured by rain clouds and storms, men start wearing shots and sandals for work and I get covered from head to toe in red, swollen, sore and itchy welts from the man-eating mozzies. Just as my immune system was getting used to those few and far between beach-side mozzies, I am now introducing my poor pommie skin to a new breed of mozzie; the silty-forest mozzy (or something). So far the skin appears not to like it much, but then I was subjected to a few mauls.

Little black cat ruins fly screen

Thing is, I shouldn't really have any bites because generally I'm quite careful. I went for a walk after work last night and covered my exposed skin in Mosi-guard. However, I did then go for a dip in the ocean which probably would have washed it all off. But I already had some of the bites, and I suspect I got them whilst sitting in our supposedly mozzie-proof covered-in outdoor patio. Actually I know I did because I killed one, and felt another one biting me. When we moved in I did notice a few gaps in the insect screen. I think these have got much worse as Monty (the little black one) likes to climb the screens in an attempt to chase moths and geckos on the other side. Stupid cat - doesn't he realise they're on the other side of the screen and he can't get them anyway? I now have approximately 8 bites on the left-hand side of my body, mainly my arm, including one incredibly sore one right on the tip of my elbow. My right side is better off, with only one or two. Somehow I managed to get one on the tip of my right elbow too. I am fueling my sleep with antihistamines as I know I'd be awake itching all night otherwise. Plus, when I have this many bites my immune system starts to struggle and I feel unwell. God knows my immune system has enough to worry about at the moment with all the stress I've put it through lately. (Oh poor immune system! What about ME?)

Itchy bites aside, summer often brings sleepless nights anyway thanks to the heat and humidity. We finally took our duvet out of the cover and stuck it in the top of the wardrobe (walk-in, yah!) the other day after a particularly hot and stuffy night during which I barely slept and woke up like a bear with a sore head. I think we have our room sorted now but also thankfully a cool south-easterly weather system has come through bringing rain and cool breezes. Ah! Bliss!!

Large grey one leaves hair on floor

The other unfortunate side effect of summer is sinusitus, thanks to the humidity, and probably some dust and pollen in the air too. I had the worst headache thanks to my sinuses the other day. Even Toby has suffered from it this year. I vaccuumed all the tufts of grey fur the cats lovingly leave all over the floor whilst we're at work, just in case that had anything to do with it. Yes, Zadie's a moulter. Although they chase each other all over the house like wild fire they do have a preferred spot for their play fights, which is very considerate of them as this is where the majority of Zadie's hair ends up. However, as soon as I vaccuum the little grey tufts I discover that there's an almost imperceptible film of fine grey hair covering the rest of the carpet.

IT men are slobs

I would like to digress on the subject of my domestic life and adaption to summer for a short while to tell you of the downside of working in IT amongst a load of men. Some of the men in my office, and by no means all of them, I assure you, but some of them are actual slobs. They really are. You know when you cook something in the microwave and you don't cover it up and it goes SPLAT and when you open the door there's sauce or whatever over the inside? You know how if you're quick enough it's still uncooked and comes off really easily when you wipe it over with a cloth? Well, the majority of the men in my office appear to be unaware of this. Every time I have to clean sauce off the inside of the microwave I find myself spending 5 or 10 minutes scrubbing really hard to remove somebody's well-cooked stubborn muck from god knows when. And they leave dishes in the sink, coffee granuals and water all over the bench. They obviously are very lucky men with lovely wives who do absolutely everything for them but it annoys the crap out of me. I just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for indulging me. If you're still reading, that is. (Well done if you are!)

The secret to a long life is....

There may have been more I wanted to talk about. For example, I probably wanted to tell you how I was late for work this morning because Monty insisted that I give him a cuddle by climbing up my back (whilst I was kneeling on the floor) and sitting on my shoulder purring into my ear; or maybe I wanted to tell you about how he climbed into the bathroom cupboard today and wouldn't come out so I shut the door thinking "ha! that'll teach him, I'm going to go and feed the other one whilst he's in there and he'll soon learn not to climb into cupboards then refuse to leave" only to see him bounding down the hallway towards his feeding place. He's a regular Houdini; the other night Toby got very cross with him for roaming around on the bench so he locked him in the laundry (which is where they sleep). As there is a cat-flap from the laundry to the patio where we were eating dinner, he got the heavy doormat and laid it against the cat-flap. First Monty tried to pull the cat-flap open (clever!) but eventually through sheer persistence he managed to move the mat slightly by repeatedly pushing the flap with his nose, until there was less pressure and he was able to pull himself through.

But anyway, I wanted to end by telling you I think I may have discovered the secret of a long life. On Saturday night we went to Cudge's 90th birthday party, Cudge being Toby's paternal great aunt. Although she had a health scare about three years ago (in which the doctors gave her about 3 months to live; pah! what do they know?) which has left her somewhat frail, she still lives alone (with some hired help, friends and family popping in now and then) and is totally switched on. The family gave her a digital photo frame which we stuck a load of photos onto and she wanted to know where the photos where stored and how, what digital meant, and what would a USB stick look like if she cut it in half? She has an amazing interest in a diverse range of subjects and has friends within many age groups, including my own. So, obviously that is a large part of it: keep up interests, occupy the mind and, for as long as possible, the body; but be gentle with the body and don't push it too much. She also has a faith in God, and whilst I'm not religious myself I think looking after your spiritual health and having some kind of faith definitely contributes to a long and happy life. However, I think the key is the fact that she never married and had children. That's the real secret to a long life. (She seems really happy too, by the way!)

1 comment:

Poetryman said...

Brave women to enter the domain of the IT man. They are crude, rude and obnoxious. I would work further from them but as I programmer, they lump us altogether. If only I could know less of their opinions and personal lives, how much happier I would be.
They shout their nonsense so all can hear.