Monday, June 18, 2007

Running with soup

What a day! What a [insert chosen expletive, descriptive word or noise here. I'm going with Ngrnganggh!! which I think is similar to a Marge Simpson frustrated growl] day!

It started quite nicely. I achieved my objective of getting out of bed before 7am for the first time in so long I can't remember when. I then went for a run/walk/photographic mish. Note to self: Running with a camera does not constitute effective morning exercise on account of the fact that one sees the world from an entirely different perspective when one has a camera, and becomes fascinated by the merest thing that one would not normally spare a second glance. It results in something akin to this: run for 100 metres; spot something interesting; investigate further and take photo; change exposure and take another photo; experiment with flash and take another photo; walk for 20 metres whilst reviewing and critiquing photos; run for 50-100 metres; spot something interesting; and so on.

On my return run/walk/photo mish I intended to do some shoulder rows and chest presses using the funky machines in the new grown-ups' play gym the council recently installed in our local park but thanks to the camera I instead became distracted by rainbow lorrikeets and blue-faced honeyeaters. Then I got chatting to a woman from Dubbo who was house-sitting for her sister. I've always wondered what a place called Dubbo would be like but it doesn't sound like the kind of place I'd want to visit in order to find out. It sounds like a place often mentioned but never visited on Neighbours or Home & Away, or the nickname of the local bevan (chav/hoon/scally/bogan). Anyway, she was very nice and obviously pleased to be in Buddina and not Dubbo. All in all it was a pleasant start to the day.

Grown-ups play gym. Just like the real gym but free.

It was when I got home that things began to go horribly wrong. The following actual email thread I sent to work over the next few hours pretty much sums it up:
From: "Lindsey Buckle"
To: "Dion", "Daniel", "Elaine", "Greg", "Linda", "Lindsay", "Matthew", "Peter", "Richard"
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 8:36 AM
Subject: Averting disaster - will be in late, if at all
Hello team,

I returned home from a run this morning to discover a terrible leak and a slight flood, mainly outside the house but also inside. I have had to switch the water off at the mains and currently have no way of showering, brushing my teeth etc. etc. I'm waiting for the plumber to arrive and have no idea at this stage when I'll make it into work, if at all.

I'll keep you informed.

Have full electricity so if anyone can think of anything I can be getting on with at home I'd be happy to oblige. Currently all I can think of is how smelly I am and what damage has been done. Bugger.


>>> Lindsey Buckle 06/18/07 8:44 AM >>>

Plumber arriving in approximately 30-45 mins. Depending on how long it takes him to do the job and get the water back on, I am hoping to be at work around 11am.

Hopefully see you then,

>>> Lindsey Buckle 06/18/07 10:14 AM >>>

Plumber been and gone. Burst pipe. All good ('cept for flood on toilet floor I have to clean up). Water back on - yay! Will be in at 12. (Not enough time to make the 10.30 bus unforch!).


>>> Lindsey Buckle 06/18/07 1:27 PM >>>

I think I might be having the worst day ever. After grappling for about 15 minutes with the garage door, which refused to let me lock it and which I'd had to open for the plumber who didn't end up using it anyway, I legged it to the bus stop and then realised I'd left my bag containing money, keys, phone and bus pass at home. Legged it home again, remembering that there was a door I hadn't checked when I left home because it never used to unlock but has recently started to. Halleluliah it was unlocked so I raced back to the bus stop, this time with bag. Bus wasn't there but another turned up and told me it was only 34 past - mine due at 35. After 20 minutes of waiting I figured I'd missed it and took a bus down Nicklin Way to get a different bus. That one didn't turn up either so I called the bus company and they explained the first one had been 30 minutes late and the second one doesn't go that way any more - had a route change three weeks ago, apparently. Was well advertised, apparently. By this time I was on a bus back to Kawana Waters arguing over the phone with the guy at Sunbus who tried to tell me the bus drivers don't use a centralised system yet so just because one guy said it was 34 past doesn't mean it was, and whoever told me that Sunbus will pay for a taxi for you if they've screwed up was wrong and by the way, if I'd continued south I could have got the next 607 from Caloundra.

Anyway, end result is I am MAJORLY stressed out and probably not going to get to work before 2pm anyway and have an appointment at 5.45pm so am questioning the worth. Do you think this much stress constitutes sick leave? Because I do actually feel like I could vomit right now.

Tomorrow has to be a better day and I hope to see you all then. Probably best you don't mention this to me... I might breathe fire at you.

Running with soup? I hear you ask. Yes, today was not the best day to be running for the bus as I had a tub of soup for my lunch. Turned out okay but I was paranoid nonetheless.

Anyway, you know they say every cloud has a silver lining and everything happens for a reason etc. etc? Well, I've figured it out. After returning home I decided to sit outside and have some lunch and discovered that the patio door was unlocked, and not even shut properly. So, had I not forgotten my bag then I would have left the house with two doors unlocked. Had the bus company not completely screwed up my entire day I would have left the house with one door unlocked. Still, I need a car.

Am now completely exhausted after all the disaster averting, route reorganising and generally floundering around on buses not really getting anywhere. I think I need a nana nap.

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