I sent an email out to a few folk when I wrote my review of An Inconvenient Truth a few weeks ago and I noticed a significant spike in the number of visits to this website. So it seems that you lot like to be reminded that there's something interesting going on, rather than having to remember to come and check it out yourself. And the whole RSS thing doesn't seem to have caught on with the majority of readers, so as an alternative I am now offering you the ability to receive an email every time I update the site.
All you have to do is type your email address into the form on the left-hand side of this web page (underneath the very egotistical "About me" section which I'm thinking of removing). A pop-up window will appear asking you to enter some text (to prevent spammers) so make sure you have pop-ups enabled in your browser. You will then be sent an email which will provide you with a link you have to click on to verify your email address and that's it. You don't have to register any other details.
Of course, RSS is still an option for those who have a number of websites they like to keep up with. Here's a reminder of what it's all about. If you want to leave comments you'll have to visit the site, but I'd encourage you to pop by from time to time anyway to see if anything new is happening - or if you just want to link to my photo albums. Speaking of comments, I'd love to hear what you have to say about the website and give me any tips for making it better. I'm thinking of a new design pretty soon too so I can make use of this whole tagging thing, oops I mean labels (gotta get the Google terminology right).
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago