Thursday, November 29, 2007

Things you don't see every day - and that's a good thing - No. 1

Ever see something that makes you think "that's the stupidest thing I've seen all week"?

Yesterday whilst driving through Mooloolaba to meet a friend I noticed a lady trying to cross a road next to a roundabout. She was on a traffic island and between her and the roundabout were two cars. The third car had very kindly held back to allow her to cross the road. This lady had a white stick which she was waving around in the vacant patch of road ahead of her. This led me to assume that perhaps she was blind, or had some visual impairment. Fair enough assumption I think. Not according to the driver of the third car who was sitting behind the wheel frantically motioning for the lady to cross the road. Hello!!! Which part of waving a white stick vaguely into the air in front of you did you think was done just for the fun of it? I only hope he didn't go onto to beep at her; how confusing a situation might that have been?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Cool new slideshow feature

Check this out! I was going to blog about the election but instead I thought I'd draw your attention to this cool slideshow feature on the right-hand of the site. Very handy for those of you who can't be arsed to actually go check out my web albums yourselves. Not so cool for those of you who rely on the email updates. You'll have to come to my site to see the slideshow. Only downside is you can only set it to look at one album. Currently that's the wedding album (which you're all probably really bored with by now) but I'll change it every now and again. If you hover over the slideshow you'll see a toolbar which you can use to pause or go to either the previous or next photo. Clicking on the slideshow opens the photo within the web album in a new window. Pretty nifty.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Little furballs

Once one grows up and buys one's own home, one must also assume the responsibilities of an adult and do such things as gardening, DIY and home-baking. One must also start considering the very serious subjects of procreation and, more importantly, pets. Usually what one does in these circumstances is get a dog. You see, dogs require quite a grown-up and responsible attitude. They need lots of love and attention, and many breeds need to be walked twice a day. A dog is a big commitment and to be seen walking one's dog is to be seen as a committed and responsible grown up (who likes the outdoors). I am a committed and responsible grown-up (you don't get much more committed than a marriage and a mortgage) and I do quite like the outdoors but I don't think I could give a dog the attention it needs. I always feel a bit sorry for dogs whose owners are out at work all day, then do things in the evenings, and then pop off to a friend's place for the weekends. And, if truth be told, I am a cat person.

Most of my old buddies from the UK will be well aware of this but it may be news to some of my antipodean friends. In fact, I surprised some very good friends last week by announcing that I intended to have a cat. James responded with, "I didn't know you were a cat person" and for a split second I was prepared to defend myself and humour his love of dogs until, to my delight, I discovered that both James, and his wife Melissa are also cat people. This is a marvellous thing to discover about two people you already love. See, most people in Australia are dog people, and not only are they dog people but they actively hate cats. They see cats as evil, arrogant creatures (the point being...?) that pose a threat to their wildlife. As if white man clearing the land so his hungry cows can graze, digging big holes in the ground and pulling out coal and gold, concreting beach forests so they can build ocean-view high-rises, and flooding rivers to make dams isn't any sort of a threat to the wildlife or the environment that supports it. Evil? Arrogant? Threatening wildlife? Pot? Kettle? Black?

Anyway, to cut a long rant short (too late, Buckle), I received an early birthday present this year in the form of a cat. Well, actually two! Toby and I visited the local animal shelter at the weekend. I had decided I'd like two cats (even cats get lonely if their family leaves them alone all day), and that I'd like a male and a female. Toby wanted one kitten. We had to walk past two enclosures of adult cats before we got to the kittens so of course I stopped by for a chat.

Because all of the kittens were boys I chose to take a beautiful Russian Blue (cross, I think but I know nothing about pedigree cats) 15 month old Queen home too. We have named her Zadie (because her name at the shelter was Mercedes, which is terrible, but shortening it to Cedes (or Sadie) didn't work because I have a good friend called Sadie (hi, Sades) but then Lucie misheard me and thought it was Zadie and it kind of stuck). She's a little chatterbox who loves attention but isn't particularly cuddly. She's still quite playful and is a lovely addition to the household.

The kitten is 3 months old and his name is Monty. He's a mentalist and gets himself into all kinds of scrapes. He's a bit greedy and probably should have been called Wolf because he wolfs his food down and then starts on Zadie's. He goes nuts when the food is being prepared and tries to climb up on the bench. He'll find the highest thing he can sit on to get as close to the food as he can and today he suffered for it when his tail got caught in the drawer his food is kept in. He loves cuddles and will sit on any part of you that is available.

They get along very well together and chase each other round the house like Tasmanian Devils. Zadie frequently reminds Monty who's boss by pouncing on him and pinning him down. They both rush to the front door to greet us, purring, when we come home.

There are more photos here: CrazyCats , although not too many because they're both hopeless at staying still for the camera and are far too interested in whatever it is I'm doing resulting in lots of black and gray blurry photos. I'm sure you'll be hearing many more stories of their craziness in weeks to come.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sexist, me? Shut up man, woman!

I have so much to tell you all (like, we moved into our new house - yay!) but things are so hectic at the moment. However, I read something on the web today that tickled me so much I just had to share it.

The "Ernies" are annual sexism awards, now in their 15th year, voted by women for the most sexist remarks uttered within the public arena. Some of them are downright insulting and unfunny (such as Australian senator Bill Heffernan's comment that opposition deputy leader Julia Gillard was unfit to lead because she was "deliberately barren" which, incidentally won the Gold Ernie of 2007) ; I won't mention them here.

Others however, are so unbelievably stupid that one can't quite believe that the men (as it is mainly men who win these awards, strangely) who uttered them were in the slightest bit serious when they did so (hopefully many of them weren't). It is these comments that I wish to share. Don't worry too much about who these people are - I haven't a clue about some of them - just bear in mind that they are all men who are, to some degree, in the public eye.

  • Industrial Relations minister, Joe Hockey, on his wife's pregnancy: "It's exhausting for me, her being pregnant. I don't know why, during the birth process, they only focus on the women."
  • Warwick Capper: "Expectant father Darren Jolly needs to get his priorities in order. The birth of your first child is special, but if you're a machine like me, there's more children to be had than premierships."
  • An advertisement by Ingham's for chicken: "Breast awareness week" (Love it!)
  • Mufti, Sheikh Taj Aldin Alhilali accused Australian women of being "uncovered meat".
  • P&O advertisement: "Seamen wanted" (Come on, girls, get a grip; these are FUNNY!)
  • Totally unfunny and inexplicably wrong, I almost daren't publish this one but I'm embarrassed to say it made me giggle, until I considered the context and then I was horrified, of course. Rene Rivkin's driver, Gordon Wood made an unusual request to a morgue attendant whilst identifying his girlfriend's body: "Do you mind if I look at her tits?" (Maybe it's fair enough that he wanted to sneak one last peek?!)
To see more (and see the photo of Warwick Capper that has me suspect he could have been serious) check out the Nine News' photo gallery.